SMS Turns 30!

SMS Turns 30!

Do you know what the first SMS message said? 

30 years ago in December 1992, Neil Papworth from Vodafone sent the text “Merry Christmas” to a co-worker who was attending a work Christmas party. What started as a wholesome Christmas wish became the first of the 100 billion texts a year we know today! 

SMS, which stands for "Short Message Service," originated from the late Finnish engineer Matti Makonen, who during the enjoyment of a pizza, came up with the idea of sharing short messages between cell phones via a network. It was created as a tool for quick, internal communications within companies. Now it has grown to be one of the top tools for communication used by the public!

Companies have adopted SMS as a key aspect of their business strategy as it can improve the relationship between customers and the brand. For example, it can be used to gather feedback on the quality of a product or increase security by authorising transactions by users. Matti Makonen himself said he believed that "reliable easy to use text messaging will stay forever" and despite the changing landscape of technology, we are inclined to agree!

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